Russia Criticizes Zelenskky’s US Visit

Russia’s ambassador to the United States said a visit by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Washington showed that neither Ukraine nor the United States is ready for peace. 

In comments to reporters cited by Russia’s state-owned TASS news agency, Anatoly Antonov said the focus of Zelenskyy’s visit was on “further tying the Ukrainian regime to the needs of Washington.” 

Antonov also criticized a U.S. announcement of new military aid for Ukraine that includes Patriot air defense systems. 

The ambassador said the U.S. actions are provocative and will lead to an escalation. 

Russia invaded Ukraine in February, and amid Russian missile attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure Ukrainian leaders have been appealing to the United States and other allies for more advanced air defense systems. 

Some information for this report came from Reuters. 

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