A Step Toward a Large-scale Quantum Computer

Quantum computers, once they become available, are likely to help us solve problems too complex for the fastest computers today. So far, several laboratories around the world say they have created small quantum chips as the proof of concept. Scientists in Britain now say they have created the first blueprint for a large-scale quantum computer. …

Faberge And His Eggs

They are some of the most exquisite objects ever created and, a century after the last Faberge Egg was created, in 1917, the tiny treasures continue to fascinate for both their beauty and the tragic story that entangled them. …

Suspended DRC Talks to Resume Next Week

Opposition groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) under the umbrella group Rassemblement are expecting talks with the government will begin next week, despite the death of the group’s leader, Etienne Tshisekedi. Opposition supporters and civil society organizations expressed concern that Tshisekedi’s demise could imperil the transition agreement recently signed with the government. The …

Iran to Test Missile Systems in Military Exercises

Iran is holding a military exercise Saturday to test its missile and radar systems, a day after U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration imposed sanctions on Tehran for a recent ballistic missile test. The United States sanctioned 13 individuals and 12 entities related to Iran’s missile program, and Trump’s national security adviser Michael Flynn said the …

Report: Trump Assets in Revocable, Not Blind, Trust

Many U.S. presidents have placed their financial holdings in a blind trust that is managed by a trustee without any input from the president. This arrangement is believed to help the president avoid any conflicts of interest between his finances and issues that come across his desk. U.S. President Donald Trump, however, has avoided calls …

AP Fact Check: Conway Says She Misspoke on ‘Massacre’

A top aide to President Donald Trump said Friday she misspoke when she cited a 2011 “massacre” in Kentucky that never happened. A day earlier, during an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Kellyanne Conway defended Trump’s temporary ban on immigration from seven Muslim-majority nations by saying that former President Barack Obama instituted a similar policy …

Rebel, Kurdish Areas in Syria Hit by Heating Fuel Shortages

Wracked by civil war and Islamic State occupation, Syrians living in areas under Kurdish or rebel control are suffering from a major shortage of heating fuel in an unusually harsh winter. People in the Kurdish region of northern Syria say they have been running low on heating supplies for more than a week. Many households …

The Correspondents

The Correspondents is VOA’s weekly discussion of the world’s top stories, as seen through the eyes of our dedicated reporters in the US and around the globe. Hosted by Mil Arcega, our panel of journalists goes beyond the headlines to give listeners and viewer real context and understanding of what’s driving the story. …

Newest Member of Brazil’s Top Court to Head Corruption Probes

The Supreme Court picked its newest member Thursday to take over the investigations of politicians implicated in Brazil’s biggest-ever graft scandal, expected to shake the country’s establishment and government because of important new testimony. Court officials said Justice Edson Fachin was chosen by random electronic selection from among a group of five of the court’s …

Black History Month’s Origins Traced to Scholar’s Efforts in 1926

Like his predecessors, President Donald Trump plans to commemorate Black History Month with an official proclamation, a gala and receptions at the White House to celebrate the contributions of the United States’ black citizens. “I’m proud to honor this heritage and will be honoring it more and more,” Trump said Tuesday as he surrounded himself …

US Condemns Russian Aggression in Eastern Ukraine

The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations took a firm stance Thursday against Russian military action in eastern Ukraine, condemning Moscow’s “aggressive actions” and saying U.S. Crimea-related sanctions would remain in place. “I must condemn the aggressive actions of Russia,” Nikki Haley told the U.N. Security Council at her first public meeting since being confirmed …

Intense Fighting Prompts Evacuations In Eastern Ukraine

For days, fighting has intensified between Ukrainian government forces and Russia-backed separatists. Civilians in villages near Luhansk and Donetsk in eastern Ukraine have been bearing the brunt of artillery and rocket battles, prompting evacuations. (RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service and Current Time TV) …

Putin Heads to Hungary, His 1st Trip to EU Since US Election

On his first trip to the European Union since the U.S. presidential election, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday is heading to Hungary, the nation whose leader has cozied up to Moscow despite Russia-West tensions. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, a populist dubbed “little Putin” by his opponents, has been critical of the U.S. and …