Samsung Chief Lee Arrested as South Korean Corruption Probe Deepens

Samsung Group chief Jay Y. Lee was arrested early on Friday over his alleged role in a corruption scandal rocking the highest levels of power in South Korea, dealing a fresh blow to the world’s biggest maker of smartphones and memory chips. The 48-year-old Lee, scion of the country’s richest family, was taken into custody …

Iran Needs Billions to Upgrade Gas Fields, But Will Investors Invest?

Iran sits on what are thought to be the world’s largest gas reserves, yet can barely supply its own domestic demand. Since the United Nations-backed deal over Tehran’s nuclear program spurred the lifting of international sanctions, the country has strived to attract foreign investment in developing oil fields and upgrading its aging infrastructure.  The Ministry …

Nigerian Leader Extends Sick Leave Abroad as Citizens Suffer

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari’s nearly month-long medical leave in London is a sharp reminder to taxpayers that while they finance their leaders’ health care abroad, they often are stuck with decrepit, ill-staffed government health facilities at home. For decades, Nigerians have paid for their leaders and former rulers to get medical treatment overseas. That courtesy …

Tillerson Attending First Major Talks at G20

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is taking part in his first major international talks Thursday, joining a gathering of G20 foreign ministers in Germany. Tillerson’s schedule includes a number of sideline meetings with individual ministers, including those from Britain, Turkey, Italy, South Korea, Japan and Brazil. His most high profile meeting outside of the …

Germany’s Merkel Testifies on Alleged US Eavesdropping

Chancellor Angela Merkel testified Thursday to a parliamentary committee examining alleged U.S. surveillance in Germany and the activities of German intelligence, defending her insistence that “spying among friends” is unacceptable.   The parliamentary panel is investigating alleged eavesdropping in Germany by the U.S. National Security Agency and its relationship with German counterparts. The inquiry was …

Report: Telework Blurring Boundaries Between Work, Personal Life

Many people find they cannot live without their smartphones, tablets, laptops and other digital devices for play, and increasingly for work at home or when they are on the move.   The use of modern communication technologies is rapidly transforming the traditional mode of working in a fixed location in favor of working at home. …

University in Kosovo Receives Threat of Alleged IS Attack

The largest university in Kosovo has received a threat warning of attacks from Islamic State (IS), university officials said Wednesday. A threatening letter, allegedly signed by IS, was found at the campus as the University of Pristina as students and teachers prepared to mark its 47th anniversary.  The letter was found in the ceremony hall …

Venezuela Prosecutors Raid Odebrecht Offices in Bribe Probe

Venezuelan authorities raided the Caracas offices of Odebrecht on Tuesday, as prosecutors deepened a probe into the Brazilian construction firm that has admitted paying some $98 million in bribes to obtain government contracts in Venezuela. “The investigation is aimed at clarifying the situation and determining if the projects for which this company was contracted were …

Melania Trump Says She’ll Keep Predecessor’s Produce Garden

Michelle Obama’s garden stays. First lady Melania Trump says through a spokeswoman that she is committed to preserving gardens at the White House, including the bountiful one planted by her immediate predecessor. “As a mother and as the first lady of this country, Mrs. Trump is committed to the preservation and continuation of the White …