Pope’s Role as Champion of Refugees Faces Test in Myanmar

Pope Francis heads to Myanmar and Bangladesh with the international community excoriating Myanmar’s crackdown on Rohingya Muslims as “ethnic cleansing,” but his own church resisting the label and defending Myanmar’s civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi as the only hope for democracy. Francis will thus be walking a fraught diplomatic tightrope during the Nov. 27-Dec. …

Pope Francis Faces Diplomatic Challenges with Visit to Myanmar and Bangladesh

Pope Francis visits Myanmar and neighboring Bangladesh next week amid international outrage over what the U.S. describes as the ethnic cleansing, of Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslim minority. During the Nov. 26 through Dec. 2 trip, the pope will meet with Myanmar’s civilian and military leaders as well as Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. As Jesusemen Oni reports, …

Scientists: Rivers in Africa, Asia Responsible for Most Ocean Plastic Waste

The equivalent of one garbage truck full of waste plastic is dumped into the world’s oceans every minute – or 8 million metric tons a year. New research suggests that the vast majority of that waste is transported to the oceans by just a handful of major river systems – and tackling the pollution at …

Podcast: Court Politics

The corruption trial of former Economy Minister Aleksei Ulyukayev and Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin’s role in putting him in the dock are providing a rare window into the high-stakes power struggles in Vladimir Putin’s inner circle. …

Congressional Probes Likely to Head Into 2018

Some Republicans are hoping lawmakers will soon wrap up investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 election that have dragged on for most of the year. But with new details in the probe emerging almost daily, that seems unlikely. Three congressional committees are investigating Russian interference and whether President Donald Trump’s campaign was in any …

Opposition Calls for Direct Talks With Syria Government

Syria opposition representatives meeting in the Saudi Arabian capital called Thursday for direct and unconditional negotiations with the Syrian government over the more than 6-year civil war that would lead to the launch of a transitional period.   The opposition didn’t condition its participation in upcoming U.N-based negotiations on the departure of President Bashar Assad …

Saudi-led Coalition to Begin Allowing Aid Into Yemen

The Saudi Arabia-led coalition fighting Houthi rebels in Yemen said Wednesday that it would reopen the country’s main international airport and a vital Red Sea port to humanitarian traffic. The easing is supposed to begin Thursday. The airport in the capital of Sanaa will reopen to U.N. aircraft, and the seaport of Hodeida will be …

Attorney General: Feds Must Do More to Keep Guns From Criminals

The U.S. Attorney General says federal agencies must do a better job of keeping track of criminals who are not supposed to be able to buy guns. On  Wednesday, Jeff Sessions ordered the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to investigate an administrative foul up that allowed felon Devin …