Upcoming Monsoons in Bangladesh Put Rohingya Children at Risk

The U.N. children’s fund warns more than one-half million Rohingya refugee children in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, are at risk of disease outbreaks leading to many deaths during the upcoming cyclone and monsoon season. Bangladesh gets battered by tropical storms during two seasons every year. Aid agencies in Cox’s Bazar are looking ahead with dread toward …

UN Palestinian Refugee Agency Seeking New Funding After US Cuts

The head of the United Nations agency that supports Palestinian refugees said Wednesday he is looking for “new funding alliances” after the United States announced it is withholding tens of millions of dollars. Pierre Krahenbuhl said the U.S. decision leaves the U.N. Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) with the most critical financial situation it has ever …

Cambodian Court Delays Bail Decision on Accused Australian Spy

The bail verdict in an increasingly high profile Cambodian espionage case against Australian filmmaker James Ricketson was postponed on Wednesday because the prison delivered him to the court late. Ricketson, who was charged with espionage after reportedly flying a drone at an opposition rally in Phnom Penh in June, arrived briefly at Cambodia’s Supreme Court …

Venezuela: Rogue Pilot Oscar Perez Killed

Venezuela’s government says rogue pilot Oscar Perez was among seven “terrorists” killed in an operation to arrest him Monday. Interior minister Nestor Reverol said Tuesday seven members of a “terrorist cell” were killed in the police operation to arrest Perez, who dropped several grenades on the Supreme Court building and fired shots at Interior Ministry …

Trump Continues to Criticize Democrats Over DACA Demands

U.S. President Donald Trump criticized Democrat lawmakers Tuesday, saying their demands to include protections for young undocumented immigrants in a bill that would prevent a government shut-down this week would cost the military. “The Democrats want to shut down the Government over Amnesty for all and Border Security.The biggest loser will be our rapidly rebuilding …

Pakistani Celebrities Say #Metoo Amid Outcry Over Child Rape

Three Pakistani celebrities have revealed they were sexually abused as children, using the #MeToo hashtag, amid a national outcry over last week’s rape and murder of a 7-year-old girl. As Twitter users responded with an outpouring of support, other women have come forward to share similar stories, defying taboos about discussing sex in the conservative …

Nigeria’s Buhari Vows to Punish All Those Behind Ethnic Violence

Nigeria will punish all those behind an outbreak of deadly clashes between cattle herders and farmers, President Muhammadu Buhari said on Monday pushing back at accusations that he failed to take action against members of his own ethnic group. At least 83 people have been killed since the start of the new year in violence …

Brazilian Miner Vale Ordered to Repair Environmental Damage

A Brazilian court on Monday ordered the world’s largest iron ore miner Vale SA to repair environmental damages its operations caused in land belonging to a community of descendants of escaped slaves in northern Brazil. Federal prosecutors announced the ruling in a statement that said the electricity transmission lines and a bauxite pipeline damaged soil …

Scientists: Conflict in Ukraine Escalated Spread of HIV

Fighting in Ukraine that erupted in 2014 escalated the spread of HIV throughout the country as millions of infected people were uprooted by violence, a study published Monday found. Conflict-affected areas such as Donetsk and Luhansk, two large cities in the east of Ukraine, were the main exporters of the HIV virus to other parts …

Double Suicide Bombing in Baghdad Kills At Least 16 People

Iraq’s Interior Ministry spokesman says a double suicide bombing in central Baghdad has killed at least 16 people. Maj. Gen. Saad Maan says the rush-hour attack struck at the city’s Tayran Square on Monday morning. He says it was carried out by two suicide bombers and that the explosions also wounded at least 65 people. …

Americans Celebrate Slain Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King Jr.

Americans on Monday celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, honoring a man who embodied the U.S. civil rights movement and who understood that the success of the movement depended on its nonviolent principles. Every year on the third Monday in January, Americans honor the slain civil rights leader who in the 1950s and 1960s organized …