US, N. Korea Make Final Preparations for Trump-Kim Summit

Envoys from the United States and North Korea are holding talks to iron out any last-minute differences before Tuesday’s historic summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters that veteran diplomat Sung Kim is leading the U.S. delegation in a …

Trump Says Friends, Enemies Cannot Take Advantage of US on Trade

President Donald Trump tweeted out more criticism of U.S. trade partners Monday, including allies in Europe and Canada, adding to his declarations that the United States will no longer tolerate what he has called “trade abuse.” “Sorry, we cannot let our friends, or enemies, take advantage of us on Trade anymore. We must put the …

Putin Says Willing to Meet Trump Whenever US Is Ready

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Sunday that he’s happy to meet with U.S. President Donald Trump once Washington is ready to hold the summit and welcomed Trump’s call to bring Moscow back into the G-7 group of leading industrialized nations. Speaking to reporters in Qingdao, China, Putin said that some nations, including Austria, have offered …

A Tale of Two Summits

It was a calmer summit, but drew far less Western media attention than the fractious G7 gathering in Canada, which ended in disarray in an escalating dispute over trade and tariffs. Half a world away at a carefully choreographed annual meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Qingdao, China, there were no death-grip handshakes, …

Trump: Meeting with Kim ‘One-Time Shot’ for North Korea

U.S. President Donald Trump warned Saturday that his meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un in Singapore on June 12 is a “one-time shot” for the reclusive leader. Before leaving the international Group of Seven summit in Quebec, Trump told reporters that he expects to know right away if Kim is serious about giving up …

Children at Risk of Death from Heavy Flooding in Somalia

The U.N. children’s fund warns that heavy rains and flooding in Somalia are putting hundreds of thousands of children at high risk of disease and death. The 230,000 people who have been displaced by floods since April are living in congested, unsanitary conditions that breed disease, according to UNICEF, and about half of that number …

Ex-El Salvador President Accused of Corruption; Arrest Ordered

Prosecutors in El Salvador have ordered the arrests of former President Mauricio Funes and 30 members of his inner circle on a range of corruption charges for allegedly siphoning $351 million from public coffers, the Attorney General’s Office announced Friday. The 31 arrest orders include Funes’ private secretary, his long-time partner Ada Mitchelle Guzman Siguenza, …

NATO Eastern Flank Members Pledge Closer Ties, Citing Russia

Nine NATO nations on the alliance’s eastern flank pledged Friday to cooperate more to increase their security in light of what they called an “aggressive” Russia that threatens their vision of a free, peaceful Europe.   Eight presidents and one parliament speaker held the third meeting of the Bucharest Nine, a group of nations once …

G-7 Leaders Try to Bridge Wide Trade Gap With Trump 

Emotions were on display when U.S. President Donald Trump met other G-7 leaders at their annual summit in Canada on Friday, but the discussions were civilized and diplomatic, according to sources.  Trump held firm on asserting the United States is disadvantaged when it comes to trade with its European allies.  “The other leaders presented their …

An All-Female Gang, an Impossible Heist in Ocean’s 8

A star-studded all-female cast beefs up the new heist film “Ocean’s 8,” by filmmaker Gary Ross. The new release marks a departure from the all-male gang of tuxedo-clad cons both in the original 1960s flick “Ocean’s 11,” with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, and in the 2001 remake with George Clooney and Brad Pitt. So, …

Seaweed May Hold Key Ingredient for Ocean Friendly Sunscreen

As summer draws near in the Northern Hemisphere, millions of people will slather on sunscreen to protect themselves from the sun’s harmful rays. But most sunscreens contain chemicals harmful to the oceans. Now researchers in London have developed a compound found in seaweed that could be the basis for a new generation of environmentally friendly …