German Coalition Reaches Deal on Migration

The parties in Germany’s ruling coalition on Thursday reached agreement on a package of measures to deal with asylum-seekers who have already registered in other European Union states, and vowed to push ahead with an immigration law before year’s end. The two-page agreement, reached after a short meeting at the historic Reichstag building, ends a dispute that had threatened to …

US Newsrooms Honor Annapolis Shooting Victims

Bustling newsrooms across the United States fell silent for one minute Thursday afternoon to remember the five Annapolis, Maryland, journalists who were shot to death last week. Reporters at the Voice of America newsroom in Washington stood at their desks, with computer keyboards, televisions and phones falling silent. Editors at The Courier-Journal in Louisville, Kentucky, and The Virginian-Pilot in Norfolk read …

US Official: Pakistan Action Needed Against Afghan Taliban

A senior American diplomat has again criticized Pakistan for its inability to translate promises into action against various terror and extremist groups operating from Pakistani soil. Alice Wells, principal deputy assistant secretary for the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, spoke to a group of reporters Thursday in a roundtable discussion at the U.S. …

Detention of Unaccompanied Minors at US Entry Nothing New

When a 12-year-old boy traveled to the United States from Poland, looking for his mother in New York City, he was put into detention. The unaccompanied minor, Chain Shlome Kleinman, was slated to be deported unless the U.S. government found his relatives and verified his information. Kleinman made the journey in 1907 as a stowaway. …

Trump-Kim Deal Raises Hopes for New MIA Recovery Bid

“No man left behind.” With that phrase, a recovery team leader identifies an excavation spot and splits it into grids. Whether the weather be bitingly cold or blisteringly hot, excavators filter the soil from the grids through quarter-inch wire screens, eyes alert for any sign of human remains. For decades, the Central Identification Laboratory in Hawaii …

Europe Grasps for Solutions in Growing Migrant Crisis

A rescue ship carrying 60 migrants picked up from rubber boats in the Mediterranean Sea arrived in a Spanish port Wednesday, after being refused entry by Italy and Malta. Tens of thousands of migrants have reached European shores this year so far, and southern European countries are refusing entry to the latest arrivals unless their …

Japan’s Abe to Cancel Iran Trip over US Pressure on Tehran-Kyodo

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has given up on a plan to visit Iran this summer, Kyodo News said on Wednesday, as U.S. President Donald Trump has taken an increasingly tough line against Tehran. The visit to Iran would have been the first by a Japanese leader in 40 years, forming part of Abe’s scheduled …

Leftist Win in Mexico Heralds Hopes, Risks for US Relations

The election of Andrés Manuel López Obrador as Mexico’s next president hands the reins of power of the largest country in the Spanish-speaking world to a new, leftist political party. Experts say the president-elect, who ran on a campaign of change, could alter U.S.-Mexico relations at a critical moment in the history of both countries. …

Media Watchdog Urges India to Protect Journalists

A media watch group has expressed serious concern at “an alarming deterioration in the working environment of journalists in India” and demanded that the government ensure the safety of journalists who are feeling threatened. Reporters Without Borders said in a report Wednesday that that at least three journalists were killed in India in 2017 and …

Volcanic Complex Could Erupt Soon, Chile Says

A cluster of volcanoes known as the Nevados de Chillan in southern Chile could erupt within “days or weeks,” according to the country’s national emergency office. The office, Onemi, issued an orange alert for risk of eruption, the second most serious alert for volcanoes, in an advisory late Monday. The agency had previously warned that …

Bangladesh Cities Join UN Drive to Build Defenses Against Disasters

Bangladeshi cities have signed up en masse to a U.N. campaign to develop local action plans and improve infrastructure to prepare for disasters, officials said Tuesday. Low-lying, densely-populated Bangladesh is one of the world’s most disaster-prone countries, hit every year by cyclones that are becoming more frequent due to climate change. About 60 percent of …

Poland Braces for Protests as Government’s Judicial Reforms Kick In

Poland braced for protests on Tuesday against the conservative government’s makeover of the judiciary that takes effect at midnight despite strong opposition at home and legal action against the changes by the European Union. Through legislation and personnel changes, the Law and Justice (PiS) party has taken de facto control of the entire judicial system, …