Activists Appear Unveiled in Tehran on Women’s Day 

Small groups of Iranian women celebrated International Women’s Day by appearing publicly unveiled in Tehran and calling on Iranians to support their defiance of mandatory veiling in the Islamist nation.    VOA Persian received and verified a video clip showing two unveiled women marking Friday’s occasion by holding a red sign and speaking to a …

Women’s Day Spurs Femicide Protests Across Turkey

In Turkey, International Women’s Day saw nationwide protests, with many focusing on the growing scourge of violence against women. According to rights groups, hundreds of women are slain yearly in Turkey. In Istanbul’s Kadikoy district, the heart of the Asian side of the city, hundreds of women gathered, holding placards condemning violence against women. “We …

Директор із комунікацій Білого дому США пішов у відставку

Директор із комунікацій Білого дому США Білл Шайн пішов у відставку. В апараті президента США зазначили, що Шайн долучиться до кампанії перевиборів чинного президента США Дональда Трампа. «Білл Шайн зробив видатну роботу для мене та адміністрації. Ми сумуватимемо за ним у Білому домі, але чекаємо на роботу під час президентської кампанії 2020 року», – сказав …

"А где мне взять такую тещу". Офшоры, кредиты и виллы в Испании

Популярная испанская газета “Эль Периодико” опубликовала журналистское расследование о том, как хранят деньги в офшорах, а затем вкладывают их в недвижимость на побережье Испании представители российского истеблишмента. На этот раз в нем фигурирует крупный чиновник государственной корпорации “Ростех” Владимир Артяков.   Сотрудники “Эль Периодико” участвуют в Международном журналистском проекте по расследованию организованной преступности и коррупции …

As Trump Faces Investigation, Echoes of Watergate Grow Louder

The recent congressional testimony of President Donald Trump’s longtime personal lawyer and fixer, Michael Cohen, transfixed Washington at a time when the president is under increasing scrutiny. To some, Cohen’s moment in the national spotlight harkened back to dramatic moments from another time, the Watergate scandal of the 1970s, which eventually forced President Richard Nixon …

Sudan’s Civil War Orphaned 20,000; One Still Lives in Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Camp

“Lost Boys of Sudan” was the name given to a group of more than 20,000 ethnic Dinka and Nuer children who were displaced and orphaned during the 1987-2005 Second Sudanese Civil War. John Deng fled with them in 1987 and has been living in Kenya’s Kakuma refugee camp ever since. He became a teacher to …

Secretary of State, First Lady Honor 10 Women of Courage Award Winners

First Lady Melania Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Thursday paid tribute to 10 women from around the world with this year’s International Women of Courage awards. Honoree Naw K’nyaw Paw of Myanmar, also known as Burma, described her own personal experience as one of many who, she says, endured brutality at the hands …

After Vicious Hammer Attack, New York Immigrants Choose Unity

Manuel thought he, too, would become a victim. The undocumented Puebla, Mexico, native had only been working in the United States for eight months when he witnessed a gruesome hammer attack at his Sheepshead Bay, New York, workplace that left three workers dead. On Jan. 15, 2019, the early dinner crowd had begun to fill …

NY Immigrants Wary of Hate Crimes After Asian Workers Killed in Hammer Attack

In January, a vicious hammer attack at a Brooklyn, New York, restaurant left three Asian immigrant workers dead. While still shaken and trying to heal, the attack brought the community together in New York. But with all the markings of a hate crime, immigrants of color in New York and elsewhere are now reckoning with …

Russia’s Largest Farmland Owners

The world’s largest country by territory, Russia ranks third in the world in terms of arable land with 123 million hectares. Here’s a look at the tycoons, offshore firms, and family of a former agriculture minister who own most of it. …

Algeria Veterans Back Protests Demanding End to Bouteflika’s Rule

Algerian independence war veterans said protesters demanding ailing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika step down after 20 years in power had legitimate concerns and they urged all citizens to demonstrate – another sign of cracks in the ruling elite. The unrest poses the biggest challenge yet to Bouteflika and his inner circle which includes members of the …

US Officials Issue Sanctions Warnings to Europe Over Russian Gas

U.S. officials have warned at an energy conference in Brussels that the Trump administration will take punitive action against European companies that are building the Kremlin-favored Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline, which will deliver energy from Russia to Germany while bypassing Ukraine. Nord Stream 2 (NS2) will largely replace an older pipeline running through …