Raids, Arrests Will Not Deter Us, Belarus Media Say

Belarus is purging the space for information, local journalists say, pointing to raids on independent media outlets, arrests including of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty correspondents, and moves to shutter the Belarusian Association of Journalists. Journalists, members of the opposition and activists have been targeted for arrest or harassment since widespread protests erupted last August over …

South Africa Turmoil

On this edition of Encounter, Ambassador Michelle Gavin, senior fellow for Africa Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and former Ambassador to Botswana, and Frans Cronje, CEO of the Johannesburg-based Institute of Race Relations, analyze with host Carol Castiel the political, economic and social situation in South Africa following the arrest and detention of …

Funeral for Haiti’s Assassinated President Disrupted by Protests, Gunfire

The funeral of Haiti’s assassinated president, Jovenel Moise, was disrupted Friday by tear gas used on nearby protesters as well as sounds of gunfire, prompting U.S. officials to leave before the end of the ceremony. Hundreds of protesters gathered Friday outside the site of the state funeral in the northern city of Cap-Haitien, burning barricades …

To Reach Peace Deal, Taliban Say Afghan President Must Go

The Taliban say they don’t want to monopolize power, but they insist there won’t be peace in Afghanistan until there is a new negotiated government in Kabul and President Ashraf Ghani is removed. In an interview with The Associated Press, Taliban spokesman, Suhail Shaheen, who is also a member of the group’s negotiating team, laid …

Iraq Expects Announcement to End US Combat Mission

Members of a top Iraqi delegation in Washington say they expect to reach an agreement with the Biden administration to end the US combat mission in Iraq, ahead of Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi’s summit with President Joe Biden on Monday. White House Correspondent Patsy Widakuswara has this report. Producer: Barry Unger …

Large Fires Continue to Burn in Western US 

The largest wildfire in the United States continued to burn Thursday in southern Oregon, but lower winds and higher humidity were assisting firefighting crews. In Northern California, a fire spread to the neighboring state of Nevada. Oregon’s Bootleg Fire grew to 1,616 square kilometers (624 square miles), yet firefighting crews were reportedly improving fire lines. …

Calls Grow for Emergency Visas for Afghans Working With US Media

A coalition of more than two dozen U.S. news outlets and press freedom organizations is calling on the U.S. government to help protect Afghans who worked with foreign media and may face risks from the Taliban as a result.   Letters to President Joe Biden and top House and Senate leaders called on the United …

China Rejects Second Probe Into Coronavirus Origin

China has rejected the World Health Organization’s proposal for a second phase of its investigation into the origin of the novel coronavirus pandemic. Zeng Yixin, the vice minister of the Chinese National Health Commission, told reporters in Beijing Thursday that he was extremely surprised when he read the proposal offered by the U.N. health agency …

US Fans Welcome Tokyo Olympics as COVID Threat Continues to Loom

Excitement is building over the Tokyo Olympics, despite more athletes testing positive for COVID-19. While the Games are set to begin Friday, the head of the Tokyo organizing committee says there is still a chance they could be canceled due to the virus.  Still, sports fans in the U.S. are eagerly gearing up to watch, …

Pfizer, BioNTech Agree to Produce COVID-19 Vaccine for Africa

Pfizer and BioNTech have reached an agreement with a South African company to produce their COVID-19 vaccine for distribution in Africa, the biotechnology companies said Wednesday. The Biovac Institute in Cape Town will manufacture 100 million doses of the vaccine annually starting in 2022. The company will mix vaccine ingredients it receives from Europe, place …

Floods in Central China Leave Subway Passengers Stranded

Heavy rainfall forced the subway system in Zhengzhou, capital of China’s Henan province, to shut down Tuesday, stranding passengers. Riders posted videos on social media as they awaited rescue in waist-high muddy waters. A passenger named Xiaopei posted on Weibo that “the water in the carriage has reached (their) chest.” Around 300 people have been …

Stocks Skid as Virus Fears Shake Markets; Dow Falls 2.1%

Resurgent pandemic worries knocked stocks lower from Wall Street to Tokyo on Monday, fueled by fears that a faster-spreading variant of the virus may upend the economy’s strong recovery.  The S&P 500 fell 68.67, or 1.6%, to 4,258.49, after setting a record just a week earlier. In another sign of worry, the yield on the …

New DOJ Policy Bars Prosecutors From Obtaining Journalists’ Records

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday announced a new Justice Department policy that prohibits federal prosecutors from seizing journalists’ phone and email records in leak investigations. This comes on the heels of a Biden administration decision that the U.S. government will discontinue a highly controversial practice of using subpoenas and secret orders for reporters’ …

Egypt Lets Journalists, Activists Go After US Concerns

Egyptian authorities released three activists and three journalists Sunday after months in pre-trial detention, officials and lawyers said. The releases came after U.S. officials, among others, expressed concern over the arrests and harassment of rights advocates and critics of President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi’s government. State security prosecutors ordered the release of the six pending ongoing …

Taliban Want Afghan Deal, Leader Says, Even As They Battle On

The leader of the Taliban said Sunday that his movement is committed to a political settlement to end decades of war in Afghanistan, even as the insurgents battle in dozens of districts across to country to gain territory.  The statement by Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada came as Taliban leaders were meeting with a high-level Afghan government delegation in …

Afghanistan Recalls Diplomats From Pakistan Over Kidnapping of Envoy’s Daughter

Afghanistan said Sunday it has asked all of its diplomats in Pakistan to return to Kabul until Islamabad addresses “all security risks” to them and brings to justice those behind last week’s brief abduction of the Afghan ambassador’s daughter.     The announcement came a day after the Afghan government said Silsila Alikhil, daughter of …

Петро Заставний з Тернополя потрапили у скандал через вакцинацію

Петро Заставний та його дружина, відома блогерка Аліна Френдій вакцинувалися в київській клініці   Син збанкрутілого мера Тернополя та народного депутата Романа Заставного Петро потрапив у скандал з вакцинацією у приватній клініці. Він з дружиною, так званою блогеркою (а насправді шль) Аліною Френдій, кілька днів тому отримали щеплення в київській приватній клініці Verum Expert Clinic. …

Колись зе-, тепер може бути твоєю. Мендель задекларувала зарплатню вдвічі більшу, ніж у свого власника

Прессекретар президента України Юлія Мендель задекларувала понад 684 тисячі гривень зарплати на своїй посаді за минулий рік. Про це свідчать дані щорічної декларації, яка оприлюднена в реєстрі НАЗК.   Згідно з декларацією, зарплата Мендель у 2020 році, отримана за основним місцем роботи в Державному управлінні справами, становила 684 тис. 48 грн. Ця сума в два …

Martine Moise, Wife of Slain President, Returns to Haiti 

Martine Moise, the wife of Haiti’s assassinated president who was injured in the July 7 attack at their private home, returned to the Caribbean nation on Saturday following her release from a Miami hospital. Her arrival was unannounced and surprised many in the country of more than 11 million people still reeling from the assassination …

Colombian Police Say Former Haiti Official Suspected of Ordering Moise Killing 

Former Haitian justice ministry official Joseph Felix Badio may have ordered the assassination of Haiti’s President Jovenel Moise, the head of Colombia’s national police has said, citing a preliminary investigation into the killing.  Moise was shot dead at his private residence in a suburb of Port-au-Prince before dawn on July 7. An investigation by Haitian …

ТОВ ОРАНЖ ГРУП – друг путіна і злодій ЄГОРОВ, де СБУ?

В експлуатацію ще не здали, а тріщини вже є.   Свою оцінку експерти пояснюють наступним чином: по-перше, замість вікон у квартирі встановлено звичайне скло.   Та якщо вікна забудовник має замінити своїм коштом, то за батарею готуйтеся заплатити з власної кишені. Як стверджує будівельник, бренд нібито обрано непоганий, але на всю площу квартир обігріву від …

Не страхуйтесь у страховой компании ”USI”!!!! Сплошное враньё!!!

  Здравствуйте! 11.02.2021 должны были полететь в Египет всей семьёй. 45 т.грн путевка… Сделали на коронавирус анализ – положительный. Решили через страховую вернуть деньги. Короче – геморрой ещё тот… тоже до мая месяца кормили нас, что типа туроператор не даёт подтверждение… А потом типа до 26.06 выплатят деньги… А щас чуть ли не послали меня …