At Least 48 Migrants Detained on Calais Ferry

More than 100 migrants broke into the dock area of the port of Calais in France late Saturday and at least 50 of them attempted to race onboard a cross-Channel ferry that had arrived from Dover, England.

According to official sources, at least 48 of the refugees were apprehended, dashing their hopes of reaching England on the vessel’s return trip. The French News Agency (AFP) put the number of arrests at 63.

French law enforcement took the detained migrants by bus to Calais police headquarters.

Two of the migrants fell into the water, but were quickly rescued.

Maritime officials say ferry traffic was delayed for more than 12 hours as police searched the ship.

AFP reported that police were continuing to look Sunday morning for at least four more migrants the police believed were still hiding out on the same ship where the other migrants had been apprehended.



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