6 French Aid Workers Among 8 Killed by Gunmen in Niger

Six French aid workers with the nongovernmental organization ACTED and their local guide and driver were killed Sunday by gunmen riding motorcycles in an area of southwestern Niger that is home to the last West African giraffes, officials said.The six worked for the international aid group, Niger’s Defense Minister Issoufou Katambé told Reuters. Officials had …

Germany Struggles to Set COVID-19 Rules as Schools Reopen

German students go back to school Monday even as federal and state leaders are still trying to figure out how to keep half a million children, their teachers, and other staffers safe from the coronavirus.  “There are conflicting priorities, health protection on the one hand, which is very important to us, and on the other hand that we want to ensure the right to education of every single child,” German …

Protesters Call for End to Spanish Monarchy After Former King’s Exit

Protesters on Sunday called for an end to the Spanish monarchy after the sudden departure of the former King Juan Carlos from the country this week amid a corruption scandal.Juan Carlos, who abdicated in 2014 in favor of his son Felipe, abruptly announced his decision to leave on Monday but there has been no official …

Оружие США превращает технику путляндии в пыль, а солдат пукина на беззащитные мишени

Оружие США превращает технику путляндии в пыль, а солдат пукина на беззащитные мишени       Для распространения вашего видео или сообщения в Сети Правды пишите сюда, или на email: pravdaua@email.cz     Лучшие предложения товаров и услуг в Сети SeLLines     Ваши потенциальные клиенты о нужных им товарах и услугах пишут здесь: MeNeedit …

Камни с неба: путляндия сокращает финансирование оккупированного Крыма

Камни с неба: путляндия сокращает финансирование оккупированного Крыма. Что теперь на очереди в Крыму? Пресловутые камни с неба? А ведь был же можно сказать цветущий край       Для распространения вашего видео или сообщения в Сети Правды пишите сюда, или на email: pravdaua@email.cz     Лучшие предложения товаров и услуг в Сети SeLLines   …

Нефтяная война: обиженный карлик пукин замер в ожидании ноября

Нефтяная война: обиженный карлик пукин замер в ожидании ноября. Одновременно из Аравии идут сообщения о том, что закончив ограничительную эпопею имени товарища Трампа, они планируют одновременное снижение цены своей нефти сразу для всех потребителей по всем регионам, но пока есть разночтения о том, какие потребители получат скидку больше, какие – меньше. А это означает, что …

Отобрать и поделить – обиженный карлик пукин замахнулся на вклады холопов

Отобрать и поделить – обиженный карлик пукин замахнулся на вклады холопов. Мнфин путляндии каждый день придумывает все более изощренные способы сбора дани с населения       Для распространения вашего видео или сообщения в Сети Правды пишите сюда, или на email: pravdaua@email.cz     Лучшие предложения товаров и услуг в Сети SeLLines     Ваши …

Диктатор лукашенко и Беларусь: последние аккорды перед неизведанным

Диктатор лукашенко и Беларусь: последние аккорды перед неизведанным. Есть, конечно же, и куда более опасный сценарий, когда путляндия, которая отлично играет на гражданском противостоянии (вспомним тот же Крым в Украине), попытается установить силовой контроль над Беларусью, якобы под лозунгом поддержки победившего кандидата, опять же неважно какого       Для распространения вашего видео или сообщения …

French President Hosts International Conference to Raise Funds for Lebanon

French President Emmanuel Macron will host a U.N.-backed international donors’ virtual conference Sunday to raise funds for Lebanon following a massive blast at the port of Beirut last week that killed at least 158 people and injured about 6,000 others.U.S. President Donald Trump announced his participation in a tweet Friday, after he talked with Macron …

Belarus 5-Term President Faces Strong Challenge

Belarusians vote Sunday in a presidential election in which opposition candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya is challenging the five-term authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko.Tikhanovskaya, 37, a stay-at-home mother, entered the race after the May arrest of her husband, opposition blogger and presidential hopeful Sergei Tikhanovsky, with the promise to free political prisoners and call new elections.Tikhanovsky, 41, was …

UK Armed Forces Asked to Help Deal With Migrant Boats Crossing Channel

Britain’s armed forces have been asked to help deal with boats carrying migrants across the Channel from France, the Defense Ministry said Saturday after a spate of arrivals on the southern English coast.Taking advantage of a spell of hot weather and calm seas, hundreds of people including children and pregnant women have made the dangerous …

Russian Far East Keeps up its Anti-Kremlin Protests

Thousands of demonstrators gathered again Saturday in Russia’s Far East city of Khabarovsk to denounce the arrest of the region’s governor a month ago, protests that are posing a direct challenge to the Kremlin.Sergei Furgal was arrested on July 9 on suspicion of involvement in murders and taken to jail in Moscow. The estimated 3,000 …

Greek Island Locks Down as COVID-19 Infections Soar Across Country

Three months after easing nationwide restrictions to stem the spread of the coronavirus, the government in Athens has placed the tiny Greek island of Poros into fresh lockdown following a sudden flare-up of infections in scores of locals and tourists. The lockdown comes as the coronavirus pandemic spreads rapidly in Greece, tripling infections in the …

Can the Takuba Force Turn Around the Sahel Conflict?

Two years after a pan-European military initiative was first proposed to help tackle the Sahel’s Islamist insurgency, the Takuba task force is finally becoming reality, as its first troops arrive amid the coronavirus pandemic, political turmoil and spreading unrest.A group of roughly 100 Estonian and French special forces are the first on the ground to …

Report: Pompeo Warns Russia Against Taliban Bounties

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has warned Russia’s foreign minister about alleged bounty payments to Taliban militants for killing U.S. troops in Afghanistan, according to The New York Times.The Times reported Friday that Pompeo made the warning to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during a July 13 phone call, citing unidentified U.S. officials.It said …

Lukashenko’s Biggest Election Opponent: the Internet

In the closing days of the Belarus presidential election campaign, opposition candidates are holding mass rallies and incumbent President Alexander Lukashenko is visiting businesses, giving speeches to the Security Council and government – and lashing out at the news media.During a meeting with campaign staff, Lukashenko railed at local and international media, saying the Belarussian …

US Sees Election Threats From China, Russia and Iran

The director of US intelligence on Friday raised concerns about interference in the 2020 election by China, Russia and Iran.U.S. intelligence has assessed that China is hoping President Donald Trump does not win reelection, Russia is working to denigrate Democrat Joe Biden and Iran is seeking to undermine democratic institutions, said Bill Evanina, director of …

Germany, France Quit WHO Reform Talks Amid Tension With Washington, Sources Say

France and Germany have quit talks on reforming the World Health Organization in frustration at attempts by the United States to lead the negotiations, despite its decision to leave the WHO, three officials told Reuters. The move is a setback for President Donald Trump as Washington, which holds the rotating chair of the G-7, had hoped …

Widely Seen as Warning Shot, Russia Court Sentences Young Activists for Extremism

A Moscow court convicted 7 young Russians on extremism charges Thursday — sentencing several of the group to lengthy prison sentences in a closely watched case that seemed to encapsulate the limits of political youth activism in today’s Russia. Prosecutors argued that the defendants — most in their teens and 20’s — had organized an illegal …

Russian Court Sentences Young Activists for Extremism

A Moscow court convicted 7 young Russians on extremism charges Thursday — sentencing several of the group to lengthy prison sentences in a closely watched case that seemed to encapsulate the limits of political youth activism in today’s Russia. Prosecutors argued that the defendants — most in their teens and 20’s — had organized an illegal …

Russia’s Race for Virus Vaccine Raises Concerns in the West

Russia boasts that it’s about to become the first country to approve a COVID-19 vaccine, with mass vaccinations planned as early as October using shots that are yet to complete clinical trials — and scientists worldwide are sounding the alarm that the headlong rush could backfire.Moscow sees a Sputnik-like propaganda victory, recalling the Soviet Union’s …

Journalist Group Calls on Belarus to Release Blogger, Other Reporters Before Elections

The Committee to Protect Journalists on Thursday called on Belarus to immediately release a blogger arrested a week ago and allow him and other reporters to “freely and safely” cover Sunday’s presidential elections.The organization’s Europe and Central Asia program coordinator in New York, Gulnoza Said, said President Aleksandr Lukashenko “wants an election to put a …